Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Grumpy Day

Okay, so I am just annoyed. First, I had a guy call me and ask me where his resumation was. I had to talk to him for 5 minutes to figure out the problem, he was an EMPLOYER! He was trying to hire someone (he was searching resumes)! Another call I had to tell someone to use the "plus sign" in their search. They asked me what I meant by plus sign, "like the one you use in math?" is what I was asked. So when I replied yes, he asked where it was on his keyboard. I just wish I could say next to the Idiot Key.

Another thing that really annoys me is when you eat fast food and your hands smell like it the rest of the day no matter how many times you wash them. Why oh why?

Is it Friday yet? I would even settle for Thursday afternoon since I am taking Friday off for the Hogan's 130th birthday party in Milwaukee! (my dad is turning 50, and Grandma Hogan is 80!) Let the drinking begin!


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