Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Random Ramblings

So here are just a few of my random thoughts/conversations lately:

I learned this at work (amongst many other things from poorly behaved high school kids):
Did you know that there is a prison in China, that as part of the therapy/recreation for the prisoners they dance? All 1,500 inmates line up and dance to songs such as Thriller, Soulja Boy (Superman), and Do the Hustle. Click on the song title to watch the inmates videos on you tube. I am seriously amazed. What really gets me is before one of the videos they pan the visitors cheering for their inmate. What did the parents tell the children? We are going to go see daddy dance in jail? It's just so wrong. . .

A few other pointers from school:
If you decide to set off the fire extinguisher at school, make sure you don't have weed in your pocket because they will probably search you. You can stay in school for the fire extinguisher incident, but if you have weed, you get to come to the alternative school!

It is really spelled: Once apond a time (imagine how this kids' stories were probably so screwed up when he was read to if he thought they were all on ponds)

Yesterday at my follow up ultrasound, the following conversation took place between Adam and I:
I see his little hand, and I exclaim "Oh my goodness, he has fingers, that's fantastic." Adam replies, "What did you think, he would have lobster claws?" Yep, that's what you get when you just probably aren't quite mature enough to have kids!

And why do people say mean things to pregnant women? I am tired of hearing "Oh my god, you're huge!" Or how about "Are you sure it isn't twins?" My favorite today was one of our bus drivers said "I don't think you are going to make it to February with that baby." Seriously? Think of something nice to say


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