Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

School's out for summer!

Look at the cutest trophy that I got! Isn't it adorable? It is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me being a teacher!! I have gotten nice thank you gifts as a coach, but never a teacher. I cried when they gave it to me. What a sap. I start teaching summer school next week, so I have a week without kids before I start back. 7 to noon can't be that bad for summer school. Let's see if I eat my words later. . .

On a more amusing note, my phone rang at 9:30 on Friday night. Adam and I had snuggled in to our favorite sweats and were racing on the Wii, what an exciting Friday night. My friend, Heather, had gotten stuck at the Atlanta airport. I know it had to suck for her, but we went and picked her up and she got to spend the night with us. It was so great to see her, and it added a little excitement to an otherwise dull evening.

Saturday was the East Atlanta Beer Festival. It was a ton of fun! Here are a few pictures. The unfortunate part was they ran out of beer around 5, which isn't a good thing for a beer fest. It didn't affect me because I had volunteered to quit drinking around 3 to drive everyone else's drunk ass home. We stopped at Sabroso on the way home for some drunken (not me though!) Mexican which certainly was yummy.


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