Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm bored, please rescue me and my cankles

So here I am at work. . . 2 days of school left until Christmas break, and I'm so bored I'm almost ready to pull my hair out. The kids aren't being bad, but it isn't like a normal school here, we aren't really allowed to do fun things with them like you could at a regular school. Believe me, if I were in a regular school I would be on my second movie of the week. These kids aren't allowed to socialize or anything. . .which means it is dead silent in here and they are all hard at work. My grades are done and turned in, and I honestly think I found the end of the internet-I have nothing left to look at.

Another new discovery--I have cankles. For those of you that don't know what cankles are, it is when your calf runs into your ankle. Calf+Ankle=cankle. It could also be described as a REALLY fat ankles. Here is the story that led to my discovery:
Last week it rained for like 3 days straight and I wanted to wear my boots. Now the boots I wanted to wear come just above my ankle and zip up. So, I get my socks on (well, Adam, being the super husband he is, helps me now since I can't bend over)and get my feet in my boots and try to zip them. Damn it! They don't zip! So after a few tears and my cankle discovery I wear different shoes. It just ruined my day,and to make it worse, it was still raining outside!

Last weekend we attended the Ross Christmas party--it was awesome! Here are some pics! Also, I would like to welcome Camryn Elizabeth into the world! Remember the Baby Shower Cubed? She was the one due first! I'll post pics when I get them!


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