Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Living the soggy life now. . .

So I ended my last post with "I feel like I am living the high life now." Well, after terrible storms in the ATL area, our house flooded. No shit. Could we have any more bad luck? Well, actually it was only the kitchen and the dining room, and the furniture wasn't ruined, so we were actually lucky in that sense, but now it is a mess. We woke up with massive puddles in the kitchen, and our rugs were soaked, and after the professional drying people came out, now we have these massive dehumidifier and a ton of fans that are SO loud, and that have to run non-stop for 3 days. Who ever thought you would need shower shoes in the kitchen? Any ideas on how to get out of a lease without paying breakage fees??? I am totally open for suggestions. . . after the car being totaled, the bugs (which probably all drowned last night), and now this? I WANT OUT!


  • At 2:49 PM , Blogger Heather said...

    Oh my goodness, I am SO SORRY! Got your letter and magnet yesterday, btw, THANK YOU! As for getting out of the lease, you might just be able to tell them you need to move our of state or in NY landlords don't mind so much as long as you find someone to "sublet" the place, but I don't know how it works in Atlanta. Good luck with the cleanup! And I think you need to move to a high-rise! :-)

  • At 3:06 PM , Blogger The Kopelmans said...

    Oh NO! I am so sorry! At least you are renting and this isn't a place you own and have to deal with forever, but I guess that doesn't make the shower-shoes-in-the-kitchen problem any more fun! Can't you plea unacceptable living quarters (i.e. hazardous to your health!) and bolt?? Keep me posted!


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