Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Wii have been having so much fun:-)

So we were one of the lucky ones that were able to find a Wii. Actually, we started talking about it after our new tv and how awesome the games would look on it. So, last week on my way home from one of my store calls, I thought I would stop at every Best Buy, Circut City, and Toys R Us on the way home. At my final stop at a super shady mall, I found one! The place was so shady the store clerk shushed me when I asked if they had any! They carried it out in a bag so no one in the store would see it, and then they triple bagged it for me to get out of the mall. I was completely paranoid, and power walked as fast as I could to my car. As soon as I got in the car I had the doors locked, but then had to take it out of the 3 bags to examine my prize! We are addicted to it! I worked from home today and it was very hard to get my work done and not play! It is crazy to think about how far Nintendo has come, with my first games of Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt!

I am also sitting here watching the Ohio State game. I had to smile at the grocery this evening with my Ohio State t-shirt on and 3 different people said "Go Bucks" to me! I can't bring myself to put my Buckeye necklace on this year. I wore it last year and they got their butts kicked. . . so now it's just in my lap. Let's hope they don't disappoint this year!

Go Bucks!


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