Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Flood of 09

Here in Atlanta we have begun boarding an arc 2 by 2. The news just said in the last 5 days we have had 15 inches of rain-grr, I am SO ready to see the sun again. Not to mention that every time it rains our yard floods. I'm not talking a little water, I'm talking we had white caps this time. Now I know that the ground is saturated and it can't take anymore water, but this is crazy. Another thing I'm mad about? Last year I never got a snow day or a rain day or a flood day when I was teaching. This year, 2 rain/flood days already from the storms. I feel jipped.
Here is the history:
The previous owners of the house never disclosed that the yard flooded when it rained and for the first year we didn't know it since GA was in such a bad drought. Since the drought is officially over the floods have started. You see, our house was built in 1982 and about 15 years after that they built a more expensive subdivision that our subdivision backs up to. Guess where all the water drains from the expensive subdivision? Down our street. And we live at the bottom of the hill, so guess who gets ALL the water? Us. This summer I took it upon myself to see if I could lobby for a change. Our immediate next door neighbors tried it a few years ago with the previous owners and got no where with the city. Well, after our yard flooded in June I contacted every city official I could get contact information for and sent them letters and pictures of our damage as well as multiple phone messages. I even spoke with our city councilman from our district. All of this groundwork landed us a meeting with the city engineer, who looks like he might be 25. Well, this poor kid didn't know what the hell was going on and brought all these maps and told us this was 'normal runoff.' Bullshit.
Fast forward to now:
So now we seriously have white caps-but I guess it could be worse. They just showed someone on the news that has raw sewage in their yard from the flooding. And at least we don't have a sink hole like others. This is the most rain I have ever seen at once! Plus we have no water damage and we are okay, our house is okay and many people have lost everything they have which puts our small problem in perspective.


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