Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

He's a travelin' man!

This time instead of a road trip for Mommy and Jake it was a plane ride for the whole family! He was fantastic:-) If I can brag for a moment, he was so good on the plane, when we landed in Dayton I had 3 people that were seated around us stop me and tell me how well behaved he was. It helped that it wasn't a full flight and we had an extra seat for him, but hey, whatever works. He spent the majority of the flight putting the arm rest up and down, and then he had a snack, pictured here with Daddy.

Thanksgiving was awesome. I'm so glad I got to spend more time with Grandma. Jake even had a little turkey and mashed potatoes to celebrate the day (pictures from the trip here). It snowed in Ohio but not enough to take a picture of it. (Maybe we'll get a picture of Jake in the snow this weekend, since there is a chance of snow here in GA!!). We even put up my Grandma's Christmas tree for her which she wanted a big one for Jake's first Christmas. Grandma hasn't had a big tree in forever, I don't EVER remember her having a big tree, so this year she as a 6' for baby Jake. While we had an awesome visit, it is always good to be back home. I don't know what it is about Jake and traveling, every time we do it he hits another milestone. When we traveled in May he rolled over, in August he cut 2 teeth, after Ohio in October we came home and he started crawling, in North Carolina he said Da Da, and this time he said Ma Ma and then when we came home he took off up the steps! Crap! Baby gates all over. . .


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