Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Friday, March 27, 2009

First smile

No words needed for this one!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Trying to keep up

Jake is now a little over 1 month old! How fast the time has gone! We are now left on our own with just the 3 of us with 2 straight weeks of company, and it's nice to finally be us. Jake had his 1 month appointment and now weighs 10 lbs 10 oz, which is fantastic. He screamed through the entire appointment and it broke my heart. The other sad (but kinda amusing thing) was that he was so hungry that he was sucking on his arm and gave himself a hickey. Poor kid. Luckily the nurse let us stay in the exam room a little while so I could feed him. Obviously, closing in on 11 pounds, he hasn't missed any meals.

He also had his first St. Patrick's day! The Saturday before, we took him to his first bar to watch our friend get his head shaved for St. Baldricks. It's a great charity where people shave their heads to raise money for childhood cancer. Jake was definitely dressed for the occasion. Pictures here of St. Pat's and my Grandma's visit.

Also, a word to the wise that we have learned. . . I had decided that I wanted to get Jake's hand prints for his baby book. I had the special paint to do it. Well, when they are only a month old they don't really unclench their fists to let you get their hand prints. Needless to say, I had paint all over Jake, all over myself and Adam had it on him as well. I settled for some footprints, but I certainly had an angry baby on my hands!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

More outings for Jake

So I'm only about a week late getting this posted, but Jake went to his first party last weekend and his first soccer game! One of our very dear friends is moving to Arizona and was hosting a going away party so we took Jake to introduce him to our friends. The weather here was so beautiful that we decided we could venture out for a little bit since fresh air never hurt anyone! We also had a visit from Adam's parents who got to meet their newest grandson for the first time. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Jake's 2 weeks old!

I just love this picture that my friend took of Jake's feet and Adam's hand-it was taken while we were still in the hospital!

Yesterday Jake was 2 weeks old and his umbilical cord fell off so we gave him his first bath. I have uploaded some more pictures. A lot of the pictures are from my attempts to get a good picture for the birth announcement, and pictures of his first bath!