Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Monday, December 29, 2008

What a trip!

Just for the record, I would not recommend driving 8 hours when you are 8 months pregnant. It is not fun and it sucks. . . that being said, we had a great trip to Ohio for Christmas and it is even better to be home! One thing I definitely do not miss is the cold! We were wondering if our car temperature went negative, but luckily it didn't get that cold to find out.

We arrived late Friday night the 19th because my aunt and my grandma were throwing my 3rd and final baby shower on Saturday the 20th. Wow, is all I can say. I am still in awe that we fit 28 people in my Grandma's living room! It was amazing--the decorations, the perfect invitations, and everyone coming! We got so many gifts, it was unbelievable!! (more to come on that. . . )Here are some pictures from the shower.

The worst part of the whole trip? I either had the 24 hour flu or I ate something that did NOT agree with me at all. Monday I spent the entire day sicker than I have ever been before. I was so disappointed that we didn't get to meet our friends Becky and Roni for dinner in Columbus. That had to be the biggest disappointment of the entire trip. Sorry, Becky!

Tuesday, still feeling icky, I convinced Adam to have professional maternity photos taken. I can't believe how beautiful they turned out! I certainly don't feel that beautiful, but I just can't stop looking at them they are so amazing! (I scanned in the proofs, they are coming through grainy, but here they are).

Tuesday night we did Christmas with Adam's family, it is so fun to be around kids at Christmas time! It is so great to just watch them rip open their presents and get so excited! Here are those pictures.

Wednesday we did Christmas with my family, which is always fun (pics here). I thought my poor Grandma was going to go into a full fledged panic attack when we lost power for almost 2 hours when she was trying to get the cooking done. We still don't know why we didn't have power, but we passed the time by making Adam put together our stroller that we got at the baby shower. It's super scary to think that soon I'm going to have a baby to put in there!

Saturday it was finally time to come home!!!!!! We had so many gifts from the baby shower and Christmas we had to load the car the night before. . .Needless to say it almost came to the point where we were going to have to ship stuff home, but as you can see, Adam made it all fit!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm bored, please rescue me and my cankles

So here I am at work. . . 2 days of school left until Christmas break, and I'm so bored I'm almost ready to pull my hair out. The kids aren't being bad, but it isn't like a normal school here, we aren't really allowed to do fun things with them like you could at a regular school. Believe me, if I were in a regular school I would be on my second movie of the week. These kids aren't allowed to socialize or anything. . .which means it is dead silent in here and they are all hard at work. My grades are done and turned in, and I honestly think I found the end of the internet-I have nothing left to look at.

Another new discovery--I have cankles. For those of you that don't know what cankles are, it is when your calf runs into your ankle. Calf+Ankle=cankle. It could also be described as a REALLY fat ankles. Here is the story that led to my discovery:
Last week it rained for like 3 days straight and I wanted to wear my boots. Now the boots I wanted to wear come just above my ankle and zip up. So, I get my socks on (well, Adam, being the super husband he is, helps me now since I can't bend over)and get my feet in my boots and try to zip them. Damn it! They don't zip! So after a few tears and my cankle discovery I wear different shoes. It just ruined my day,and to make it worse, it was still raining outside!

Last weekend we attended the Ross Christmas party--it was awesome! Here are some pics! Also, I would like to welcome Camryn Elizabeth into the world! Remember the Baby Shower Cubed? She was the one due first! I'll post pics when I get them!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

It's almost Christmas!

Even though Adam and I will only get to enjoy our Christmas tree for 2 weeks we decided to go ahead and put it up on Friday night. I just love our new Christmas ornament, which really was one of the only reasons I agreed to put the tree up! It's hard to believe we got home a week ago today and in 2 weeks we will be driving back to Ohio again! Both trips are worth it though!

Over Thanksgiving my sister in law threw me a wonderful baby shower and I got to catch up with many old friends (pics here). I must admit that Aunt Linda and Leandra won the best gift award. Leandra gave me an adorable hand made, embroidered burp cloth, and Aunt Linda gave me an adorable hand knitted sweater! Such amazing thought it to such beautiful gifts!

Adam and I got to meet up with Heather for coffee, which was awesome to see her. We also got to have dinner with Matt and Leandra after the baby shower! While I'm home for Christmas there will be another baby shower, which I'm also psyched about because all of my college friends are invited to this one.

I also got my Christmas present this weekend, which I just can't learn enough about right now. I got the Sony H10 digital camera. I decided we needed this once I realized how long it took our old camera to take pictures. There is no way a newborn baby can hold a pose to capture cute moments, so I after months of research I decided on this camera and it arrived on Saturday. The only pictures that I have taken with it so far are the ones above of the tree and ornament, but stay tuned for more pics to come! (and hopefully more awesome pics!!)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

3rd grader bangs

Last night I watched the Grammy nominations show due to lack of anything else on tv and had the pleasure of watching Christina Aguilera perform. Did anyone else see this? Now, I hate getting my bangs cut, especially when the lady cuts them too short and you can really tell. You end up looking like a little kid who just cut their own bangs. This seriously happened to me all the time. I have a picture from my sophomore year in college where they looked terrible! Anyways, that's what Christina looked like last night! So is that look in now? I'm so confused. . .I thought they looked terrible then and I still do!