Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What not to say when you are passing a strip club

So Adam and I were coming home on Saturday night, and the quickest way home is down a street we have re-named "Strip Club Row." Now some of these, from what I've heard, are pretty high end strip clubs where the rappers here in ATL head towards. But what does genius here say as we are driving past?

"Wow, look at all the Hummers at the strip club."

Now, I totally meant that there were like 8 Hummers parked all in a row in front of this club, but my loving husband was laughing so hard, I realized what I said. Oops. I really did mean the cars. . .

Friday, July 07, 2006

I've been waiting 16 months for this

It is finally official, we haven't told anyone until it was 100% certain, but this picture is worth WAY more than 1,000 words to us! P.S. If you can't see the sign it says "GONE."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Top 10 Reasons I'm Glad to be back in the U.S.

10. Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese Burgers

9. I can understand people SO much better.

8. I don't have to look up menu items in a dictionary to figure out exactly what I am ordering.

7. Mexican and Chinese restaurants in every strip center.

6. I can get in a taxi and know where I am going and know that I am not going to get ripped off.

5. Americans pretty much understand the concept of standing in line, rather than a free for all as were many lines in Italy.

4. People in the U.S. understand ones personal space, unlike the huge breasted woman in 95 degree heat that kept rubbing her boobs on my back (while we stood in line). GROSS!

3. The drivers in the U.S. realize that we are not all Italian racecar drivers (unlike the Taxi drivers in Italy)

2. The option to set the air conditioning as low as I want it. If I want it 68, I can have it that way as opposed to not going below 70 something when it is 95 outside.

1. Diet Coke is hands down better than Coke Lite any day.