Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jake's first haircut


I had decided it was time to cut my baby's curls. . .he looked so cute with the little curls in the back but it was time for the little boy look. He looks so much older!! I swear, he could pass for 2 now! He didn't cry at all and took it like a champ. I got a little teary because I can't believe how fast he's growing up and of course I kept a little curl for his baby book. It makes me sad to think we are running out of firsts.


Pictures here from the haircut! (and don't worry, I don't spike it she just did it that way when she was done (and then tried to get us to buy $10 kids styling product!))

A trip to Ohio

So almost 2 weeks ago Jake and I headed off to Ohio for a long weekend. We were there to celebrate my cousins wedding. It was one of the prettiest weddings I have ever been to. It was held at the Wescott House which is Frank Lloyd Wright house in Springfield. The bride wore a dress that was made by one of her friends and she made her veil. Her sense of style is amazing and I could have never pulled it off! It was also the smallest wedding I have ever been to, but I actually loved it because I got to spend that much more time with family and that got to spend that much more time with Jake (because we know he's the one they want to see!!) I might have splurged a little bit on Jake's outfit for the wedding. . .you see, as my mother's day present partially from my grandma and partially to myself I had a dress made from Burberry fabric (I have a friend that has her own sewing/embroidery business). Well, then Sue came up with the idea that we should make Jake a matching/coordinating outfit. I must admit, we looked adorable and very well dressed!

We also made it down to Young's Dairy so Jake could have some ice cream and feed the goats. He wasn't too certain about the goats at first, but then when they would eat the food out of his hand he would giggle uncontrollably (which made all of us laugh as well!)

Pictures from the entire trip here.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lots of summertime fun!

So while Jake is napping on the beautiful Saturday afternoon I thought I would update you on some of the things we have been up to. It seems that about once a week we have Avery and Melissa over so Jake and Avery can play in the kiddie pool on the back deck. We wear them out outside, feed them lunch and then the mommies bask in the super long naps they take later. Pictures here from one of our play dates.

Mindy and Rachel also came to visit us in Atlanta!! It was so awesome to have Min here to pal around with. We took the kids to the zoo and then hit some neighborhood garage sales. Again, the kiddie pool is such a hit we let them tear around outside for a while as well. Pictures of the weekend here.

Over the 4th of July I refused to sit around, so Adam and I decided to take Jake to his first baseball game. He had a blast! He was in the seat, out of the seat, in the seat. The seat was up and down and up and down. You get the picture. My dad was really hoping that we would buy him some cotton candy but he had a ballpark hot dog for dinner instead. It was awesome to be able to take him to a sport that Adam and I both love! Pictures from the game are here