Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jake's 4 months old and Addison is 1!

So Jake had his 4 month check up last week and he's weighing in at a whopping 16 pounds 15 ounces! Those 2 darn teeth still haven't popped through yet and are giving us fits. He's so cranky when they hurt which isn't fun for any of us. I almost had to hit the pediatrician when she told me I needed to let him cry at out at night. Babies are allowed to get up at night and no my child does NOT need sleep training. She also wanted me to give him formula. I said no to that one as well. Needless to say, I am looking in to switching doctors now. She did suggest that we try cereal to see if that would help him sleep through the night. We gave it to him 3 nights and then he refused to take it after that, so I've given up. Here are some pictures though of the first bites with a spoon!

Last weekend Addison turned 1! It was so fun going to a birthday party for a little kid! We also got to line up the babies and take all of their pictures! We had Addison, Camryn (who was born in Dec), Avery (born in January), and Jake. Here are pictures of the babies here and of Addison demolishing her birthday cake! Hats off to Amanda for throwing an amazing party!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I deserve to be thrown out of the blogging world

I always thought I would be one of those parents that carved time for everything and get everything done. I was so wrong! I have been trying to steal some sleep every time Jake sleeps now since he isn't sleeping at night, which I guess is my attempt at an excuse for not blogging. My baby is 4 months old and is teething! He has 2 bottom teeth about ready to pop through and it is not making my life fun.

Life is easier now that Adam is done with his MBA! The three of us made the trip to Athens for his graduation. Jake was very well behaved after I had visions of him screaming through the entire thing.

After graduation we made our first road trip with the baby to Ohio for Memorial Day weekend. (Pics of Graduation and Memorial Day weekend here). My uncle baptized Jake in a wonderful private ceremony. It's awesome that Keith is a minister and we could do it when we wanted to. I think the trip broke Jake of his hatred for his car seat. He still doesn't like it that much but he doesn't quite scream like he used to. One of my very favorite parts of the weekend was after driving 10 hours (takes a lot longer now with a baby!!) to get to Adam's parents on Friday, we laid Jake on the floor to play and he rolled over 3 times. It took him 3 weeks to do it again, but hey, he seems to be ahead of the learning curve, which makes the teacher in me very proud:-) It was very touching and emotional to introduce Jake to the rest of our family. The best introduction had to be to our 3 year old niece, Claire, who just adored 'baby Jake,' and now all her baby dolls are named baby Jake.

Last weekend my best friend Mindy and her family visited from North Carolina. I got to meet her new little one, Rachel, who is now 7 months old. We took Rachel and Nate (3 years) to the Aquarium and Nate just LOVED it (pics here). It was so cute to see Nate interact with his dad Andy. It actually made me get teary eyed (I think b/c of hormones and lack of sleep) to think that that will be Jake in Adam in a few short years. I am just trying to savior every minute of babyhood!