Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another new job!!

Well, for those of you that didn't know, I quit my job!!!!! With all of the icky stuff that happened in the month of March, I realized just how unhappy I was. So, I went out and found a new job, and I'm back in the classroom again!! I LOVE it! I finally feel like I'm 'me' again. I am teaching at an at-risk private middle school, and it's fantastic. Although, it's very surprising when you are helping and adorable 6th grader who is reading on a 10th grade level and doing high school math, and you find out the reason he got kicked out of regular school is because he took 3 knives to school with him. . . hmmmm, reminder to stay on his good side. But it is completely awesome, and there is not one doubt in my mind that I made the right decision!! The only thing that sucked was that I had to turn in my all expenses paid company car. On the bright side, I got an adorable brand new '08 Honda Civic. When it was all said and done, it was cheaper for us to buy a brand new Civic rather than a used Accord, so that's what we did! (pics to come of my new cute car:-))

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's good to be home again

We had an amazing vacation to the Pacific Northwest, visiting Portland and Seattle. I have never been to the Northwest, and it was the most beautiful place we have ever visited. Really, it was amazing. All in all we hit a total of 17 microbreweries and 5 wineries over the span of a week. We even spent one night at the Rogue Bed and Beer, above one of the microbreweries while in Newport, OR. It was so nice to just have to stumble upstairs when we were done drinking!! We also got to hang out with one of my dear college friends while we were in Seattle, while she prepares to move to Columbus! It was an awesome vacation and couldn't have been timed more perfectly, I really needed it. Here are some pics from our trip (be forewarned, there are a lot!)

On another note, today is the last day of my job, yippee!! I turned in my 2 weeks notice right before we left, and today is the day. I am getting ready to go turn in my company car, and I can't wait to get rid of it. Although, that means that Adam and I are going to get to spend the weekend car shopping, which doesn't sound like that much fun. Anyways, I will be finishing the school year as a high school teacher, the possibility to teach summer school, and I will be teaching next year as well. I finally feel like I am getting back to normal, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest.

I also had an eye doctor appointment yesterday, guess who is seeing 20/20? Yep, me!! I haven't had 20/20 vision since the 2nd grade!! I just have to say that technology is SO amazing!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Best $40.00 ever spent

So, I was flying back from Ohio last weekend, and was a train wreck when I had to leave my Grandma. These have been the hardest 2 weeks of my life, but I'm slowly getting better. Anyways, I'm walking through the airport crying, but I'm ugly when I cry so people are looking at me. My eyes are really red and my upper lip swells when I cry, I was a complete mess. So I get to my gate and realize that there is a High school girls softball team on my flight, and then they are discussing rows. I was right smack dab in the middle of all of them. "Well Fuck" was all I could think. So I walked up to the counter and asked if there were any seats available in first class, there was, so for ONLY $40.00 I upgraded!!! It was awesome! I drank 3 beers on my one hour and 9 minute flight. I just might have to do that more often.