Life in the South

The trials and tribulations of parenthood and living away from family from a "Yankee" raising a baby in the south.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

What a weekend!

Let me start off by saying I have a HUGE case of the Sunday night blahs. I hate Sundays, and I hate to see amazing weekends come to an end.

To start, on Friday I snuck out of work early to get a moving quote, and then Adam and I hit the road. Our first stop was Charlotte, NC for a brief visit with my dad! Adam and I were headed to Raleigh for the weekend and found out at the last minute that my dad would be there, so we had a very quick visit. Since we were on our way to a beer festival, that night when we got to the bar, I asked what they had local on draft. Want to know what the waitress said? Bud, Bud Light, Coors, Coors Light. I totally had to bite my tounge being the smartass that I am, and not say, "Wow, all of those are brewed here? Never knew that." It was such a fun visit with my dad, even though Vickie really doesn't look happy in the picture, we did have a good time together!

Then Saturday morning we were back on the road headed to Raligh for the World Beer Festival! What a fantastic day (picture 2)! The funniest thing was how many times Adam was stopped for wearing his Great Lakes shirt from Cleveland. I think we lost count after 5 or 6. Ahh, the beer we miss the most. We really did have a great time.

Now what really sucks is it is Sunday night and we are home. I hate this house now that there is an end in sight. I SO can't wait to get out of it. We move in 3 weekends and I can't wait!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's been a while

So I have been crazy busy lately, and I apologize for the slack that I have been. To fill most of you in. . .about a month ago, Adam and I drove to Florida to watch the Cincinnati Reds in Spring Training. It was SO fun. We drove home Sunday, and then on Monday I flew to Chicago for work. I flew home from Chicago late Wednesday night. Then on Friday afternoon I flew to Ohio for my G-ma's 80th Birthday party! (watch out, there are 180 pictures there. . .view at your own risk!). I flew home on Monday night and we went to look at houses. 3 days later, we put an offer on a house, and we are buying it! Are we insane with our real estate luck? I think so. Anyways, we are set to close May 16th. So that takes us to last weekend, when we went to Sweetwater Brewery on Friday with friends to celebrate Adam's last day of work and buying a house! So Monday, was Adam's first day at Home Depot, hence the picture. Today he actually had to go work in a store with his orange apron! Well, now you are all caught up, I hope you enjoy the pictures!