Okay, another go round with these damn Georgia bugs. . .if you haven't yet, read my previous post, Special Ed Roaches, and then come back to this post. . .
We shall start with the bad:
Okay, so I have learned that there are an abundance of bugs (mosquitos, spiders, roaches) in the south, and that they just don't seem to bother people, because when you call the leasing office, or your property management company-they all tell me the same thing. "Welcome to Georgia, honey." Honey, my ass. The roaches downtown sure have big balls! I opened the door the other night, and this mother fucker (for serious lack of anything else to call it) walked straight in the front door! Walked in, like he was an invited guest! Holy SHIT!!!!!! I am screaming, Adam comes running, and my fat cat? Well, he's too lazy to get up and kill the damn thing. It gets SMASHED.
The good:
The Orkin man confirms that we do not have roaches, and the one that thought he was invited in for dinner, was actually a wood roach, since we have these huge trees around our house.
The Orkin Man:
Actually made another confirmation, it is a good thing that we have some spiders outside of our house (because of the trees as well) because the spiders actually eat roaches, which is probably why we only had the one that walked in the front door. (Maybe the spider was chasing him??) But, again, the Orkin man just chalks it up to being in the South. What the hell? Do you have to get used to bugs to live down here????? Needless to say, he sprayed to KILL EVERYTHING! And we get sprayed every month now. Another scary fact I learned was that roaches can get SO big that their poop looks like mouse poop! Could you imagine that phone call going in? "We need someone to come spray, we have roaches the size of mice." Hell, I called after one thought he was invited. . . The Orkin man was suprised that we called after that too. I just don't get it. And no matter how long we stay in the south, I refuse to accept the fact that the bugs are just a part of life. Nope, not for me! I have the Orkin man.